Our own weather station shows you current weather conditions at the club in Podersdorf.
Click here for weather information
We have also seached the internet to provide you with weather information in all of Burgenland. Please choose from the following links.

Windguru.cz for current weather conditions on the Neusiedlersee

Windfinder.com for current weather conditions at Podersdorf am See

Wetter.at for current weather conditions at Podersdorf am See

This link takes you to the satellite pictures of the satellite Meteosat, as well as an animation of the last 6 or 12 hours. There is also a wind chart of the Neusiedler See region. From the ZAMG Austria.

This link takes you to current weather conditions for Burgenland. You will find information about temperature, wind and air pressure on this site, as well as a current weather forecast.

Wetteronline current weather conditions for the Neusiedl area.

SWZ.at weather conditions for Podersdorf, as well as the Croatian Adriatic..

Wasserportal Burgenland information about water conditions on the Neusiedlersee.