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16.07.2024 13:50:54
YCP Webcam
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You’ll also find current weather conditions at the YCP from our own weather station, which are also updated every 5 minutes.

Current weather conditions, 16.07.24, 13:43

Temperatur 29.7°C
13.9 kt

Barometric pressure: 1012.3 hPa
Further weather values
Humidity 57% Feuchte Verlauf
Dewpoint 20.3°C  
NW / 310°
15.7 kt
Windrichtung Verlauf Windstärke Verlauf
Trend (3-Hours.)
1012.3 hPa
Barometer Verlauf
Rain today 0.0 mm Regen Verlauf
Rain-rate mm/h 0.0 mm/hr Regen Rate Verlauf
Rain season
Precipitation interruption smaller 24 h
0.0 mm  
Monthly Rain 30.8 mm  
Yearly rain 397.8 mm  
Wind Chill 28.4°C Wind Chill Verlauf
Heatindex 31.8°C Hitzeindex Verlauf
Sunrise 5:11  
Sunset 20:46  
Forecast Increasing clouds with little temperature change.  
Moon phase Zunehmender Mond Waxing Gibbous  
Today high/low
High temperature 29.7°C at 13:41
Low temperature 22.7°C at  5:50
High humidity 83%  at  3:53
Low humidity 51%  at 13:40
High windspeed 20.9 kt at 13:03
High dewpoint 21.7°C at  9:59
Low dewpoint 18.3°C at 13:40
High air pressure 1012.3 hPa at 13:36
Low air pressure 1009.5 hPa at  3:20
High rain rate 0.0 mm/hr at ----
Low Wind Chill 22.8°C at  5:22
High Heatindex 32.2°C at 13:01
Weather conditions from Yachtclub Podersdorf
Latitude/Longitude: 47° 50' 46" N/ 16° 49' 04" E

Water level (m ASL): 115,42 cm, 16.07.2024, 12:45:00
Source: Wasserportal Burgenland

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